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We Need a Break

I go to nature to be soothed, healed and have my senses put in order – John Burroughs Six months into the pandemic and all of us, in one way or another, are feeling stressed by the massive disruption of…

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Unique? Yes, really…

The irony of the word ‘unique’ is that the word itself has become so cliché! In a world in which innovations quickly become commoditized, truly unique offerings are a rare breed. So many things that claim to be unique really…

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Safari – On Purpose!

In my work with CEOs and business leaders, I often ask them “What’s your purpose - why are you in business?”  (Spoiler alert: the answer is not “To make money!”  Making money is the outcome of doing your business well.)…

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Back to Our Roots

Humankind’s roots in Africa are over 2 million years old. But it’s only in the last 100,000 years that our intrepid forbears started a relentless pursuit of open space, spreading out frontier by frontier, all over the world. Whenever it…

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Tasimba Exclusively Yours Linkwasha Camp with cape buffalo

Exclusively Yours

Tasimba has many special qualities that set it apart from other safaris.  Perhaps the most unique of all is that we take exclusive, sole occupancy of an entire, luxury safari camp. For a full week, the only guests in our…

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A Place to Hide

One of the most unforgettable experiences you’ll ever have on your Tasimba safari will be in the brand new “hide” at our Linkwasha camp.  Quietly you will climb down a few steps into a room, your guide will open the…

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The Power of Disconnection

Being out of touch here in the wilderness is detoxing from this addictive drug we call social media! ~ Jeremy Tibbets, Tasimba Guest, March 2016 Let’s face it – we’re all hooked one way or another. Whether we’re messaging, Tweeting, Skyping…

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