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Out of Africa

Salibonani (Hello) from Africa!

We often tell our guests that as many times as we’ve been to Africa – each day is different.

Sunday, we waved good-bye to our latest wonderful group of guests, the Jabulani Clan, having just shared another unforgettable Tasimba Safari Experience.  As they drove off to the airstrip we could hear their animated chatter about all that they’ve seen and done during their week at Linkwasha.

Tasimba - Out of Africa - Jabulani Clan

Our pro-Guides always tell us to expect the unexpected as life is exciting in the bush and you never know what you will see. And there at the airstrip, lying in the Kalahari sand were seven lions to see them off!  One last serendipitous moment!

Tasimba - Out of Africa - Lion

Every day they enjoyed breathtaking wildlife sightings, blazing sunsets, five-star accommodation, and decadent meals. They listened to captivating stories around the campfire under a brilliant moonlit sky.

And every day they were inspired by our visiting Keystone Experts to think more deeply about our human responsibility to preserve this precious planet and its incredible nature.

Here are just a few shots of the many incredible moments in our week-long immersion in exclusive occupancy of our luxury camp in the African wilderness. We have so much more to share!

Tasimba - Out of Africa - Giraffe

Tasimba - Out of Africa - Baby Elephant

Watch for many more photos, videos, and stories of this amazing trip in our newsletter and in our social media posts in the upcoming weeks after we return home.  And click here to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, inspired by the African wilderness.

Contact us about our next safari. We’d love to have you join us!

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