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Africa Will Change Your Life

There are moments that mark your life, moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this and after this. Change is the essence of life.  Be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become.

– Author Unknown

A Guest Blog by Bob Froese, Tasimba Safari Experience, May 2019:

I remember Hugh saying ‘Africa will change your life’ and thinking that was a bold claim.

Here I sit two short years later, finishing my workday sitting in nature, birds chattering, sun setting softly over green hills as the ocean that launched it begins to darken. I marvel at how many aspects of this place remind me of Africa. Full days of warm sunshine beginning and ending the same time every day. My entire wardrobe not filling a small suitcase. We eat food harvested locally and when avocado season ended, so did our consumption. Fresh water from rainfall is the most precious commodity. Simple living. I’ve had a four month leave from Amazon which only ceased today as we prepare to return to Canada for the summer and old habits kick in, albeit highly moderated.


All unexceptional in the scheme of things, just another material and work junkie finding a different way to enjoy existence. Here’s the extraordinary part.

My wife Tahnee was born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, in a shanty hut. Adopted by a Caucasian Canadian woman when she was two, she left this place with no strong memories or attachments. Raised in a well-to-do family she grew up as a visible minority but never identified with the challenges inherent, instead enjoying private school education, summer camp and all the privileges I expect many travelers to Tasimba enjoyed.

Tahnee had no particular desire to go to Africa, shocking to me who couldn’t wait to return after visiting a decade ago. It was a bit deflating not seeing my excitement reciprocated, but she went of course. It’s not the kind of thing you pass on, is it? She enjoyed the comforts of Linkwasha, was mildly interested in the animals, more interested as always in the people. And that came to a head in the local village of Ngamo.

Tasimba - Africa Will Change Your Life - Group photo in village

From the moment the kids greeted us, through her enthusiastic participation in the evisceration of a chicken to her engaging chats with her new ‘sisters’, the day was indeed life changing for her. It may be 10,000 kilometers from Africa to St. Vincent but only a heartbeat measured culturally.

Tasimba - Africa Will Change Your Life - school children
Tasimba - Africa Will Change Your Life - village

The beauty of change

As with Africa, Tahnee had no interest in her birthplace. Until Ngamo. It ignited something primal, spiritual, and now we’re here, in Bequia, a small island off the coast of St. Vincent. For the last 10 years we’ve always spent a few weeks in the Bahamas; we’re coming up on four months in Bequia. We’re both still working full time, managing with less than brilliant internet, working as everybody is right now. Except we’re here. Living simply and joyfully.

Perhaps four months away doesn’t meet the measure of life-changing, unless you include the fact that we sold our house in Toronto a month ago and will return to relocate for this summer, and summers after, to our island cottage on Stoney Lake. A seasonal cottage requiring us to depart in October and not return until ‘ice out’…sometime in April.

Next winter we will return to Bequia, perhaps with a house we purchase or one we will rent. We’re at peace simply knowing we will be back here, back in ‘Africa’.

Thanks Hugh! Not an empty promise at all.

Tasimba - Africa Will Change Your Life

Thanks for sharing, Bob and Tahnee. We love hearing stories from our guests telling us how the Tasimba experience changed their lives!  

May your journey together continue to be one of many new discoveries.

You’re my serendipity.  I wasn’t looking for you.  I wasn’t expecting you. But I’m very lucky to have met you.

– Author Unknown

Tasimba. Change Your Life. Be Inspired. Naturally

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Important note: We work exclusively with Africa’s best eco-tourism company with whom you will be reliably secure in the knowledge that all current and new travel protocols will be always be adhered to. Be assured that we will postpone any trip if it is not safe to travel.

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