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In the Arms of Africa

Africa is our center of gravity, our cultural and spiritual mother and father, our beating heart no matter where we live on the face of this earth.”

– John Henrik Clarke

Africa is deep in my heart and soul.

I am so lucky that it’s where I grew up. I didn’t have to go there later in my life in order to feel Africa wrapping her big arms around me and wanting to never let me go.

I am so lucky that it’s where I grew up. I didn’t have to wait until later in my life in order to feel Africa wrapping her big arms around me and wanting to never let me go. I was hers from the start!

Africa nurtured me through childhood into adulthood. She captivated me with her beauty and her wildness. She warmed me with the joy of her people. She awed me with the ferocity of her storms and brought me peace with the serenity of her majestic sunsets. Her soaring space and sky inspired my dreams and my life. And I have always been totally at home in her embrace.

Africa is the birthplace of humankind. We are all from here. There’s some deep, intangible and special connection that many people feel when they first come here. In the wilderness, it’s like they have ‘come home’ – yet they know of no ancestors from here.

I am home.

Our Purpose

And because I feel so passionately about my Africa, it’s why I have made it my life’s purpose to bring others here. I want you to feel Africa’s soul, to sense your deep and ancient roots, and to be spellbound by the vast horizons and raw beauty of this amazing continent.

In one week as our guest, our purpose is to take you out of your comfort zone and to immerse you, body, heart and soul, in a pristine wilderness. With the dawn of each new day on safari with us, we will deepen your inspiration to see your world differently and to find what’s really important to you.

In one week, that’s hard to do anywhere. In Africa it is possible because Africa is not just anywhere. Africa is unique. Magical. Inspiring. Natural. Life-changing.

Come home’ with us. And, in the arms of Africa, fall into a new love of your lifetime. 

When that happens, we will have fulfilled our purpose. For us, that is enough.

“I hope you have an experience that alters the course of your life because, after Africa, nothing has ever been the same.”

– Suzanne Evans

In 2022, come home with Tasimba on our May 4 – 11 Explorer safari (only one room left!) or our October 28 – November 4 Signature safari.  We’d love to have you join us!

Tasimba. Come home to Africa. Naturally.

View our stunning safari brochures here
Contact us about our next safari. We’d love to have you join us!

Important note: We work exclusively with Africa’s best eco-tourism company with whom you will be reliably secure in the knowledge that all current and new travel protocols will be always be adhered to. Be assured that we will postpone any trip if it is not safe to travel.

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