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“It’s an (insert your word here) Experience”

From our very first trip in March 2016, we have used words like “unique” and “unforgettable” to describe the Tasimba Experience.

It is our guests though who really know what Tasimba is and who have all used so many other words to describe their own experience.  It is their opinion that really matters!  We are proud to share their delight and perceptions!

For some guests, the Tasimba Safari Experience has been “wonderful”, “terrific”, “amazing” or “incredible”.  Others have used words like “inspirational”, “fantastic”, “eye-opening” and “exclusive.” On our Home Office wall, we have a list of over fifty different words that our guests have used, creating for us a constant reminder of what we strive to deliver for each person who joins us.

Part of the tagline on our Tasimba logo reads: “Be Inspired”. We love how our guests are inspired by all of the events and activities that are uniquely Tasimba. We in turn are inspired by their enthusiasm, awe and interest in exploring what we hope for each will be an unforgettable experience.

So, what you will now see in our all-new website, newsletters and blogs, are the words our guests have used to describe their own Tasimba Experience. Their reactions fall into five main themes: Amazing, Inspiring, Exclusive, Africa’s Soul and Heartbeat. Around each of these themes, we will share stories and photos from our Tasimba trips that are emblematic of words provided by our guests.

To all of our guests, a heartfelt thank-you for the privilege of your company on our Tasimba trips and for the gift of your wonderful descriptions. We hope that your words will inspire others to enjoy the extraordinarily diverse Tasimba experience.


Contact us about our next safari. We’d love to have you join us!
(Corporate and group rate packages also available).
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