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Especially adapted for our Tasimba readers from an anonymous post.

Time does not wait. Barely the day starts and it’s already six in the evening.
Monday just arrived and already it’s Friday.
Another month is already over and the year is going fast.
Already decades of our lives have passed.
We’ve lost loved ones; friends and we’ve missed opportunities.
And we realize it’s too late to go back as time waits for no-one, not even us.

So, we determine to make the very most of the time we do have.
We must keep looking for the people and things that motivate and inspire us…
activities that we like…
Let’s paint some color in our grey…find happiness in the little things in life.
Let’s laugh more, play more and find ways to put joy in our hearts.
Let’s truly live each moment, each day.

Let’s try to eliminate the ‘afters’…
I’ll think about it after…
I’ll say it after…
I’ll get to it after…
Let’s not leave everything for ′after′ – like the bucket list that we leave for someday when…

Because what we forget is that:
Afterwards, the coffee gets cold…
Afterwards, priorities change…
Afterwards, the charm is broken…
Afterwards, health can decline.
Afterwards, the kids grow up…the parents get old…
Afterwards, passions fade away.
Before we know it;
Too soon, day becomes night…
And the time we thought we had is gone.

So, let’s leave nothing that’s important to us now…for later.
Because while waiting for later, we can lose the best moments, the best people, the best experiences, the greatest joys. (While waiting, a pandemic may occur.)

We’ve all just learned the hard way that we can’t take ‘later’ for granted.
The day is today. The moment is now.

There is a particular richness to be in a heavenly place of extraordinary tranquility and at the same time to be learning from true experts about the ecology of the wilderness. On top of that to be relating it to your own life and to have something meaningful to bring back with you into your own world – that is Tasimba.

Strat Sherman,
Tasimba Guest, Dangwe Clan, March 2016

Tasimba. Be Inspired. Naturally.

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