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Tasimba: A Village called Ngamo

It’s not even a dot on a map.

There are no paved roads here, just some bush tracks made by 4X4’s driven by wildlife guides.   The railway line is about a mile away, dead straight for 70 miles.  The daily train stops here only if someone wants to get on or off.

The soil here is sandy so it’s not much good for growing decent crops. And by the end of the long dry winter, the grazing for the villagers’ hardy cattle is sparse.  Many villagers go to the cities (the nearest is 200 miles away) to search for work, but even in the cities unemployment is sky-high.  A lucky few villagers work in the safari camps inside the neighboring Hwange National Park.

That’s where Wilderness Safaris, our partners who operate Tasimba’s home camp Linkwasha, comes in.

Ngamo village

Ngamo school

You see, Wilderness Safaris understand the mutually beneficial relationship that must exist between their beautiful safari camps and the nearby rural villages.  The villagers get jobs and Wilderness Safaris invests in their infrastructure.

Our Tasimba guests get to enjoy the very best of this symbiosis.  From the moment you arrive in camp, you are greeted by the most wonderful, warm people who take genuine pleasure in making every minute of your stay a sheer delight!

Later in the week we take you to Ngamo village. You engage in a fascinating dialogue with the village Headman, Mr. Johnson and his lovely wife Dorothy.  You get to shop authentic local crafts made by the villagers – no made in China here!

Ngamo village Headmaster's wife sharing a photo book

Ngamo village crafters

Then you meet the children of Ngamo Primary School who exuberantly sing and dance in welcome.

Later you enjoy the truly inspiring experience of a personal Q&A session with a group of Grade 6 & 7 children. The kids’ enthusiasm is infectious. Their questions are beautifully direct. Their eagerness to learn, their unbridled openness and their overt joyfulness will reach deep into your heart.  This day will remain with you.

A welcome dance from the Ngamo school children

Q & A session with the Ngamo Grade 6 & 7 school children

At Tasimba, because our visit to Ngamo village and school means so much to our guests, we donate a year’s school fees for one local child on behalf of each and every one of our guests. It’s our contribution to the next generation of Africa’s leaders.

And it’s our recognition of the importance of the Community that is fundamental to the southern African philosophy of Ubuntu: I am who I am because of who we are.

Watch an uplifting, heart-warming greeting to our visiting Tasimba Guests:



Our next safari is from October 29th to November 5th, 2017.  We’d love to have you join us! (Corporate and group rate packages also available).

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