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Our Transformational Experience

Written by Tasimba Guest Contributor, Adrienne Palmer
Kubatana Clan, November 2019 Safari

Our transformational experience from our Tasimba safari is embodied in a wooden carved elephant that I brought home from my trip.  When I look at her, I can hear her say, in her low rumbling voice, “Don’t forget who you are.”

Every Tasimba group has its own Clan name. We were ‘Kubatana’ meaning ‘togetherness.’ Our clan was unique, being composed of members of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (“EO”). We already shared a bond of aligned values, similar life challenges and experiences, and a common language, all of which provided fertile ground for connection. We came together for this ‘safari like no other.’

Letting go

It is no easy feat, getting a group of business owners to let go of control, and to disconnect from their businesses and technology. But in a vast, private wilderness and raw environment, our Tasimba hosts did just that, removing any distraction or worry and taking care of our every need. The clan embraced the opportunity to slow down and let Africa into our hearts and minds. We accepted the invitation to think about our own lives, our goals, and the profound learnings from the natural order of things.

We were challenged to consider the impact of our lives on the planet. What brought us here? That question was about more than this safari to Zimbabwe.  It was about what brought us here to this place in our lives, and to this clan.

Tasimba November 2019 Safari Ngamo Primary School

Exploration of the heart

Our Tasimba experience was so much more than a safari. Yes, there were plenty of breathtaking wildlife encounters, and scenery burned into our forever memories. But it was also a deep exploration into the heart of Africa, and into our own hearts.

We spent the week getting to know the land, studying the animals and their behaviors, being awestruck and amazed at every turn.

Tasimba Kubatana Lion

We immersed ourselves in the culture and the community. We were captivated by the opportunity to tap into the deep knowledge and perspectives of our guides, of our Keystone Guests, of our passionate hosts, of the community leaders we visited, and of the delightful children we met.

All of the conversations fed our entrepreneurial curiosity and our insatiable desire to learn and understand. Our worlds, and our business success, were put into perspective. What difference will our businesses, and our lives, make when it’s all said and done? Do we have it in us to become Keystone Individuals? The search, and living the answers, will be a continuous journey.  We left knowing we have been deeply transformed by this inspirational Tasimba week.

Tasimba Kubatana Sunset

Back home in the city, I saw a bird I had never noticed before. I quietly watched her, curious as to what was happening in her world. I feel Africa alive in my soul. I still hear the sounds of the bush, smell the rain on the thirsty dry earth, and feel the energy of excitement and wonder.

And I can still hear the deep rumble of my elephant reminding me who I am and who I can become.

Tasimba November 2019 Safari Linkwasha Elephant

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