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Truly Inspiring

If all we did on a Tasimba safari was to share with you the prolific wildlife of our private wilderness, you’d find it amazing and unforgettable.  But we add so much more to make it a truly inspiring experience. One…

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Our New Tasimba Video!

We are very proud to introduce our new video, “Tasimba – It’s Time”. It captures the essence of what makes Tasimba such a deep, unique and profoundly moving safari experience. Tasimba is an inspiring journey of personal growth that stimulates…

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Mama Cheetah and the Furballs

Today, International Cheetah Day, is the perfect occasion to share the story of a beautiful cheetah and her four tiny cubs. On our safari that ended a few weeks ago we enjoyed epic wildlife: hundreds of elephants every day, lions…

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“Tasimba is Truly Amazing!”

When several guests used exactly the same words to say that their Tasimba safari this month was a “truly amazing” experience, we have to believe them! Everything about this safari was really very special. Just like the title of our…

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Wow! What a Safari!

Salibonani (Hello) from Africa! Just out of the bush from an unforgettable Tasimba safari experience with our 12 guests. Every day had some wonderfully exciting wildlife sightings.  Every day also had great conversations stimulated by our visiting keystone experts. Here…

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Our Exclusive Safari Begins!

Here we go!  Our exclusive safari begins! This afternoon, our 12 Tasimba guests, are excited to be flying into their exclusive, luxury home, Linkwasha, for seven full days in the wilderness! A truly wonderful, unforgettable week awaits them. Over 100…

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Into Africa – On Safari

So here we go again!  Right now, twelve guests who want a deeper safari experience are heading to Africa on a Tasimba safari. As always, we have a wonderfully diverse group of guests who have joined together because they’re looking…

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Who’s Watching Who?

From the moment our Tasimba guests touch down at the tiny airstrip, they are eagerly watching out for animals.  And, within minutes of starting their first safari drive in to camp, the Linkwasha wilderness starts to reveal her many treasures…

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What is it About Sunsets?

Sunsets are like fireworks. No matter how many we’ve seen before, we all watch them again and again. What is it about sunsets?  I confess – I’m a total sunset junkie!  Can’t get enough of them. Who isn’t mesmerized watching…

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The Wonders of Nature

The longer you spend on safari in Africa, the more you are awed by the wonders of nature. It’s not just the huge numbers of different species of animals, birds, insects and trees in the wilderness that takes your breath…

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Back to Our Roots

Humankind’s roots in Africa are over 2 million years old. But it’s only in the last 100,000 years that our intrepid forbears started a relentless pursuit of open space, spreading out frontier by frontier, all over the world. Whenever it…

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